Quick and easy construction on the basis of the freely available assembly plan of the structural elements and a “Lego brick” based stacking system.
Pouring of concrete without shuttering.
Simpler reinforcing without steel-fixing, by means of polypropylene ties and holders.
For energy-efficient buildings in all climate zones (the thermal transmittance of the walls ranges from 0, 13 down to 0. 08 W/m2K).
Heat accumulation in the reinforced-concrete core and a decremental delay in heat transfer through the walls.
An uninterrupted thermally-insulating and waterproofing envelope, which reduces to the minimum the effect of thermal bridges.
If the concrete is correctly placed, a high degree of air-tightness can be achieved.
One of the few ICF systems suitable for the construction of buildings in earthquake-prone regions, which is proved by the results of tests performed at the Institute of Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering and Construction IT, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (IKPIR FGG).
Rapid recovery in the case of flood damage (the EPS has a low water absorption coefficient).
Several working phases can be combined into just one – the thermally insulating part of the structure simultaneously serves as formwork for the placing of concrete, and as a substrate for the application of finishing layers.
Finishing of inner walls with a thin layer of mortar and smoothing with a leveling compound.
An additional area equal to up to 5% per storey can be saved if compared with walls with similar insulating properties built according to traditional construction methods.
Only one basic layer of plaster with a reinforcing mesh, together with the final layer of the selected façade system, needs to be applied to the façade walls.
No in situ cutting of elements, and a zero-waste production site, recycling is performed at the production plant.
Technical advice is available free of charge during both the design and the construction stages.