JUBHome WALL is an ICF* system for the construction of load-bearing reinforced-concrete walls using hollow, thermally-insulating elements made of expanded polystyrene with added graphite. This system is the result of JUB’s own developmental work, and the system’s elements are manufactured in Slovenia. Deliberately, it was developed and tested for use in earthquake-prone regions, too. It is a fact that ICF systems have, in recent years, come ever increasingly to the fore for the construction of residential as well as other types of buildings, since they can be used for the high-quality and rapid construction of energy efficient buildings.
The JUBHome WALL system can be used for the simple but high-quality construction of energy efficient buildings. Such a method of construction provides the building with a continuous thermal and waterproofing envelope, and reduces to the minimum the effect of thermal bridges when the elements are connected to other structural parts of the building. Due to their internal reinforced-concrete core, walls built using the JUBHome WALL system can accumulate heat efficiently as well as slowing down heat transfer, which improves the thermal stability of the building as a whole. When assembled into walls, the thermally-insulating elements can be used for the application of various external final layers, which means that several stages of work are combined, resulting in significant savings in time and money.
The JUBHome WALL system consists of a series of elements with different shapes and sizes, made of the material Neopor®, which is manufactured by BASF. These elements arrive at the building-site together with the corresponding assembly plan, and are fitted exactly to the actual building, which is made possible by means of BIM** technology. Using the design plan and the “Lego brick” method, individual elements can be easily assembled at the building-site into the whole building.
*ICF – Insulated Concrete Form
**BIM – Building Information Modeling
Wall thickness [mm] | Layers [mm] EPS + RC + EPS | Total insulation thickness [mm] | λ [W/mK] | U value* [W/m2K] |
WALL 300 | 300 | 75 + 150 + 75 | 150 | 0,031 | 0,196 |
WALL 390 | 390 | 75 + 150 + 165 | 240 | 0,031 | 0,125 |
WALL 465 | 465 | 75 + 150 + 240 | 315 | 0,031 | 0,096 |
WALL 525 | 525 | 75 + 150 + 300 | 375 | 0,031 | 0,081 |
* at concrete λ value of 2,04 W/mK |